I am not one to blog because I am a bit old-school in that I like eye-to-eye contact when communicating and also its difficult for me to gage one's sincerity without hearing the tone in their voice. But a situation has arisen that I feel compelled to share with those that have been supportive of us and follow us on online.
For more than 45 years, we have used PNCBANK as our bank for deposits and checking. The relationship has been satisfactory to that extent. As you can imagine, our deposits have been pretty substantial based on the amount of activity we have. About a month ago, we had a visit from PNCBANK representatives telling us that we must close our accounts with them. The reason given was that we no longer fit their business model. I was flabbergasted. Since then, we have been slowly and methodically transitioning to First National Bank who has a branch on Centre Avenue. Today, I went into the Hill District Branch of PNCBANK to make our daily deposit and was told our accounts were closed and the balance that was in our account has been mailed to us. We had not received any formal notification of a closing date. So now we are in a difficult position of completing our transition quickly. It is very sad that PNCBANK has chosen to sever such a long term relationship in such a callous way.
All I can say is if PNCBANK believes the Hill District Federal Credit Union no longer fits their business model, then PNCBANK no longer fits our community model!
On a lighter note…
The New Leaders Council (NLC) a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that engages a diverse, collaborative national network of progressive political entrepreneurs presented the Hill District Federal Credit Union with their Progressive Organization Award. 1 of 5 organizations in the area to receive the award on June 15th, 2017!